In Islam, God (Allah) is known by 99 beautiful names—each reflecting a different divine attribute such as omnipotence, mercy, wisdom, and justice. These names are not merely titles; they symbolize the multifaceted nature of God. Muslims invoke these names in prayers and meditations, strengthening their spiritual connection with the Divine. This article provides a detailed explanation of each name, including its Arabic form, Romanized spelling, and an English transliteration to guide correct pronunciation, along with the meanings and scriptural references where applicable.
- اللَّهُ
- Romanized: Allāh
- English Reading: Allah
- Meaning: God
- Note: This name appears at the beginning of most chapters and in various parts of the Quran.
The Background and Significance of the Divine Names
1. Sources and Tradition
Jamiʿ at-Tirmidhi, though various scholars and commentators (such as Jaʿfar al-Sadiq, Sufyan ibn `Uyaynah, Ibn Hazm, al-Qurtubi, and Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani) have provided alternative compilations. These names frequently appear at the beginning of chapters in the Quran, underscoring their central importance in Islamic tradition.
2. Spiritual and Theological Importance
- Worship and Prayer:
These names serve as a fundamental means to praise and connect with God. By reflecting on each attribute, believers nurture a deeper sense of unity with the Divine. - Knowledge and Understanding:
The names reveal aspects of God’s infinite mercy, wisdom, and justice. Understanding these attributes helps guide ethical behavior and moral decision-making in daily life. - The Hidden Names:
Beyond the names mentioned in the Quran and Hadith, it is believed that God possesses even more names known only to Him—emphasizing His transcendent and mysterious nature.
The 99 Divine Names (with English Transliterations)
Below is the comprehensive list of the 99 names, featuring the Arabic script, Romanized spelling, English transliteration (for pronunciation), meanings, and sample scriptural references.
- اللَّهُ
- Romanized: Allāh
- English Reading: Allah
- Meaning: God
- Note: Appears at the beginning of many chapters and throughout the Quran.
- الرحمن
- Romanized: Ar-Rahman
- English Reading: Ar-Rahman
- Meaning: The Most Merciful, embodying all-encompassing compassion.
- الرحيم
- Romanized: Ar-Rahim
- English Reading: Ar-Rahim
- Meaning: The Most Compassionate.
- الملك
- Romanized: Al-Malik
- English Reading: Al-Malik
- Meaning: The King, the Sovereign, the True Ruler.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 59:23, 20:114)
- القدوس
- Romanized: Al-Quddus
- English Reading: Al-Quddus
- Meaning: The Most Holy, the Pure, the Perfect.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 59:23, 62:1)
- السلام
- Romanized: As-Salaam
- English Reading: As-Salaam
- Meaning: The Source of Peace, Blessings, and Security.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 59:23)
- المؤمن
- Romanized: Al-Mu’min
- English Reading: Al-Mu’min
- Meaning: The Granter of Security and Faith.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 59:23)
- المهيمن
- Romanized: Al-Muhaymin
- English Reading: Al-Muhaymin
- Meaning: The Protector, the Overseer.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 59:23)
- العزيز
- Romanized: Al-Aziz
- English Reading: Al-Aziz
- Meaning: The Mighty, the Self-Sufficient, the Exalted.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 3:6, 4:158, 9:40, 48:7, 59:23)
- الجبار
- Romanized: Al-Jabbar
- English Reading: Al-Jabbar
- Meaning: The Compeller, the Restorer, the One Who Mends.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 59:23)
- المتكبر
- Romanized: Al-Mutakabbir
- English Reading: Al-Mutakabbir
- Meaning: The Supreme in Greatness.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 59:23)
- الخالق
- Romanized: Al-Khaliq
- English Reading: Al-Khaliq
- Meaning: The Creator.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 6:102, 13:16, 39:62, 40:62, 59:24)
- البارئ
- Romanized: Al-Bari’
- English Reading: Al-Bari’
- Meaning: The Evolver, the Maker of All That Exists.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 59:24)
- المصور
- Romanized: Al-Musawwir
- English Reading: Al-Musawwir
- Meaning: The Fashioner, the Shaper of Forms.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 59:24)
- الغفار
- Romanized: Al-Ghaffar
- English Reading: Al-Ghaffar
- Meaning: The Great Forgiver.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 20:82, 38:66, 39:5, 40:42, 71:10)
- القهار
- Romanized: Al-Qahhar
- English Reading: Al-Qahhar
- Meaning: The Subduer, the One who Dominates Everything.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 13:16, 14:48, 38:65, 39:4, 40:16)
- الوهاب
- Romanized: Al-Wahhab
- English Reading: Al-Wahhab
- Meaning: The Bestower of Gifts.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 3:8, 38:9, 38:35)
- الرزاق
- Romanized: Ar-Razzaq
- English Reading: Ar-Razzaq
- Meaning: The Provider, who Bestows Sustenance.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 51:58)
- الفتاح
- Romanized: Al-Fattah
- English Reading: Al-Fattah
- Meaning: The Opener, the Giver of Victory.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 34:26)
- العليم
- Romanized: Al-Alim
- English Reading: Al-Alim
- Meaning: The All-Knowing.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 2:158, 3:92, 4:35, 24:41, 33:40)
- القابض
- Romanized: Al-Qabid
- English Reading: Al-Qabid
- Meaning: The Withholder, the One Who Restrains.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 2:245)
- الباسط
- Romanized: Al-Basit
- English Reading: Al-Basit
- Meaning: The Expander, the One Who Bestows Generously.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 2:245)
- الخافض
- Romanized: Al-Khafid
- English Reading: Al-Khafid
- Meaning: The Abaser, the One Who Humbles.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 95:5)
- الرافع
- Romanized: Ar-Rafi’
- English Reading: Ar-Rafi’
- Meaning: The Exalter, the One Who Raises.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 58:11, 6:83)
- المعز
- Romanized: Al-Mu’izz
- English Reading: Al-Mu’izz
- Meaning: The Bestower of Honor.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 3:26)
- المذل
- Romanized: Al-Mudhill
- English Reading: Al-Mudhill
- Meaning: The Humiliator, the One Who Disgraces.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 3:26)
- السميع
- Romanized: As-Sami’
- English Reading: As-Sami’
- Meaning: The All-Hearing.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 2:127, 2:256, 8:17, 49:1)
- البصير
- Romanized: Al-Basir
- English Reading: Al-Basir
- Meaning: The All-Seeing.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 4:58, 17:1, 42:11, 42:27)
- الحكم
- Romanized: Al-Hakam
- English Reading: Al-Hakam
- Meaning: The Judge, the Arbiter.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 22:69)
- العدل
- Romanized: Al-‘Adl
- English Reading: Al-‘Adl
- Meaning: The Just, the Equitable.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 6:115)
- اللطيف
- Romanized: Al-Latif
- English Reading: Al-Latif
- Meaning: The Subtle, the Gentle, the Kind.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 6:103, 22:63, 31:16, 33:34)
- الخبير
- Romanized: Al-Khabir
- English Reading: Al-Khabir
- Meaning: The All-Aware, the Knower of the Unseen.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 6:18, 17:30, 49:13, 59:18)
- الحليم
- Romanized: Al-Halim
- English Reading: Al-Halim
- Meaning: The Forbearing, the Patient.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 2:235, 17:44, 22:59, 35:41)
- العظيم
- Romanized: Al-Azim
- English Reading: Al-Azim
- Meaning: The Magnificent, the Supreme.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 2:255, 42:4, 56:96)
- الغفور
- Romanized: Al-Ghafur
- English Reading: Al-Ghafur
- Meaning: The Great Forgiver.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 2:173, 8:69, 16:110, 41:32)
- الشكور
- Romanized: Ash-Shakur
- English Reading: Ash-Shakur
- Meaning: The Appreciative, the One Who Is Thanked.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 35:30, 35:34, 42:23, 64:17)
- العلي
- Romanized: Al-Ali
- English Reading: Al-Ali
- Meaning: The Most High, the Exalted.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 4:34, 31:30, 42:4, 42:51)
- الكبير
- Romanized: Al-Kabir
- English Reading: Al-Kabir
- Meaning: The Most Great.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 13:9, 22:62, 31:30)
- الحفيظ
- Romanized: Al-Hafiz
- English Reading: Al-Hafiz
- Meaning: The Preserver, the Guardian.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 11:57, 34:21, 42:6)
- المقيت
- Romanized: Al-Muqit
- English Reading: Al-Muqit
- Meaning: The Nourisher, the Sustainer.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 4:85)
- الحسيب
- Romanized: Al-Hasib
- English Reading: Al-Hasib
- Meaning: The Reckoner, the One Who Calculates.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 4:6, 4:86, 33:39)
- الجليل
- Romanized: Al-Jalil
- English Reading: Al-Jalil
- Meaning: The Majestic, the Grand.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 55:27, 39:14, 7:143)
- الكريم
- Romanized: Al-Karim
- English Reading: Al-Karim
- Meaning: The Generous, the Noble.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 27:40, 82:6)
- الرقيب
- Romanized: Ar-Raqib
- English Reading: Ar-Raqib
- Meaning: The Watchful, the Observer.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 4:1, 5:117)
- المجيب
- Romanized: Al-Mujib
- English Reading: Al-Mujib
- Meaning: The Responsive, the Answerer of Prayers.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 11:61)
- الواسع
- Romanized: Al-Wassi’
- English Reading: Al-Wassi’
- Meaning: The All-Encompassing, the Vast.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 2:268, 3:73, 5:54)
- الحكيم
- Romanized: Al-Hakim
- English Reading: Al-Hakim
- Meaning: The Wise, the Judicious.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 31:27, 46:2, 57:1, 66:2)
- الودود
- Romanized: Al-Wadud
- English Reading: Al-Wadud
- Meaning: The Loving, the Affectionate.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 11:90, 85:14)
- المجيد
- Romanized: Al-Majid
- English Reading: Al-Majid
- Meaning: The Glorious, the Illustrious.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 11:73)
- الباعث
- Romanized: Al-Ba’ith
- English Reading: Al-Ba’ith
- Meaning: The Resurrector, the Bringer of Life.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 22:7)
- الشهيد
- Romanized: Ash-Shahid
- English Reading: Ash-Shahid
- Meaning: The Witness.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 4:166, 22:17, 41:53, 48:28)
- الحق
- Romanized: Al-Haqq
- English Reading: Al-Haqq
- Meaning: The Truth, the Reality.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 6:62, 22:6, 23:116, 24:25)
- الوكيل
- Romanized: Al-Wakil
- English Reading: Al-Wakil
- Meaning: The Trustee, the Representative.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 3:173, 4:171, 28:28, 73:9)
- القوى
- Romanized: Al-Qawi
- English Reading: Al-Qawi
- Meaning: The Strong, the Powerful.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 22:40, 22:74, 42:19, 57:25)
- المتين
- Romanized: Al-Matin
- English Reading: Al-Matin
- Meaning: The Firm, the Steadfast.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 51:58)
- الولى
- Romanized: Al-Wali
- English Reading: Al-Wali
- Meaning: The Patron, the Guardian.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 4:45, 7:196, 42:28, 45:19)
- الحميد
- Romanized: Al-Hamid
- English Reading: Al-Hamid
- Meaning: The Praiseworthy.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 14:8, 31:12, 31:26, 41:42)
- المحصى
- Romanized: Al-Muhsi
- English Reading: Al-Muhsi
- Meaning: The Accounter, the Reckoner.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 72:28, 78:29, 82:10-12)
- المبدئ
- Romanized: Al-Mubdi’
- English Reading: Al-Mubdi’
- Meaning: The Originator, the Initiator.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 10:34, 27:64, 29:19, 85:13)
- المعيد
- Romanized: Al-Mu’id
- English Reading: Al-Mu’id
- Meaning: The Restorer, the One Who Brings Back.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 10:34, 27:64, 29:19, 85:13)
- المحيى
- Romanized: Al-Muhyi
- English Reading: Al-Muhyi
- Meaning: The Giver of Life.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 7:158, 15:23, 30:50, 57:2)
- المميت
- Romanized: Al-Mumit
- English Reading: Al-Mumit
- Meaning: The Taker of Life, the Destroyer.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 3:156, 7:158, 15:23, 57:2)
- الحي
- Romanized: Al-Hayy
- English Reading: Al-Hayy
- Meaning: The Ever-Living.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 2:255, 3:2, 25:58, 40:65)
- القيوم
- Romanized: Al-Qayyum
- English Reading: Al-Qayyum
- Meaning: The Self-Subsisting, the Sustainer of All.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 2:255, 3:2, 20:111)
- الواجد
- Romanized: Al-Wajid
- English Reading: Al-Wajid
- Meaning: The Finder, the Ever-Present.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 38:44)
- الماجد
- Romanized: Al-Majid
- English Reading: Al-Majid
- Meaning: The Most Noble, the Majestic.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 85:15, 11:73)
- الواحد
- Romanized: Al-Wahid
- English Reading: Al-Wahid
- Meaning: The One, the Unique.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 2:163, 5:73, 9:31, 18:110)
- الصمد
- Romanized: As-Samad
- English Reading: As-Samad
- Meaning: The Eternal, the Absolute.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 112:2)
- القادر
- Romanized: Al-Qadir
- English Reading: Al-Qadir
- Meaning: The All-Powerful.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 6:65, 36:81, 46:33, 75:40)
- المقتدر
- Romanized: Al-Muqtadir
- English Reading: Al-Muqtadir
- Meaning: The Determiner, the Dominant.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 18:45, 54:42, 54:55)
- المقدم
- Romanized: Al-Muqaddim
- English Reading: Al-Muqaddim
- Meaning: The Advancer, the One Who Gives Precedence.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 16:61, 17:34)
- المؤخر
- Romanized: Al-Mu’akhir
- English Reading: Al-Mu’akhir
- Meaning: The Delayer, the One Who Postpones.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 71:4)
- الأول
- Romanized: Al-Awwal
- English Reading: Al-Awwal
- Meaning: The First.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 57:3)
- الأخر
- Romanized: Al-Akhir
- English Reading: Al-Akhir
- Meaning: The Last.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 57:3)
- الظاهر
- Romanized: Az-Zahir
- English Reading: Az-Zahir
- Meaning: The Evident, the Manifest.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 57:3)
- الباطن
- Romanized: Al-Batin
- English Reading: Al-Batin
- Meaning: The Hidden, the Inner Reality.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 57:3)
- الوالي
- Romanized: Al-Wali
- English Reading: Al-Wali
- Meaning: The Protector, the Patron.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 13:11, 22:7)
- المتعالي
- Romanized: Al-Muta’ali
- English Reading: Al-Muta’ali
- Meaning: The Most Exalted, the Sublime.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 13:9)
- البر
- Romanized: Al-Barr
- English Reading: Al-Barr
- Meaning: The Source of All Goodness, the Righteous.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 52:28)
- التواب
- Romanized: At-Tawwab
- English Reading: At-Tawwab
- Meaning: The Accepter of Repentance.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 2:128, 4:64, 49:12, 110:3)
- المنتقم
- Romanized: Al-Muntaqim
- English Reading: Al-Muntaqim
- Meaning: The Avenger, the Requiter.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 32:22, 43:41, 44:16)
- العفو
- Romanized: Al-‘Afuww
- English Reading: Al-‘Afuww
- Meaning: The Pardoner, the Forgiver.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 4:99, 4:149, 22:60)
- الرؤوف
- Romanized: Ar-Ra’wuf
- English Reading: Ar-Ra’wuf
- Meaning: The Compassionate, the Tenderhearted.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 3:30, 9:117, 57:9, 59:10)
- مالك الملك
- Romanized: Malik-al-Mulk
- English Reading: Malik-al-Mulk
- Meaning: The Owner of All Sovereignty.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 3:26)
- ذو الجلال والإكرام
- Romanized: Dhu-al-Jalali wa-al-Ikram
- English Reading: Dhu-al-Jalali wa-al-Ikram
- Meaning: Possessor of Majesty and Honor.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 55:27, 55:78)
- المقسط
- Romanized: Al-Muqsit
- English Reading: Al-Muqsit
- Meaning: The Equitable, the Just.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 7:29, 3:18)
- الجامع
- Romanized: Al-Jami’
- English Reading: Al-Jami’
- Meaning: The Gatherer, the Unifier.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 3:9)
- الغني
- Romanized: Al-Ghani
- English Reading: Al-Ghani
- Meaning: The Rich, the Self-Sufficient.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 3:97, 39:7, 47:38, 57:24)
- المغني
- Romanized: Al-Mughni
- English Reading: Al-Mughni
- Meaning: The Enricher, the Bestower of Wealth.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 9:28)
- المانع
- Romanized: Al-Mani’
- English Reading: Al-Mani’
- Meaning: The Preventer, the Withholder.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 67:21)
- الضار
- Romanized: Ad-Darr
- English Reading: Ad-Darr
- Meaning: The Harmer, the Afflictor.
- Note: Mentioned only in Hadith.
- النافع
- Romanized: An-Nafi’
- English Reading: An-Nafi’
- Meaning: The Benefactor, the Bestower of Blessings.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 30:37)
- النور
- Romanized: An-Nur
- English Reading: An-Nur
- Meaning: The Light, the Illumination.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 24:35)
- الهادي
- Romanized: Al-Hadi
- English Reading: Al-Hadi
- Meaning: The Guide, the One Who Leads to the Right Path.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 25:31)
- البديع
- Romanized: Al-Badi’
- English Reading: Al-Badi’
- Meaning: The Incomparable, the Originator of All Things.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 2:117, 6:101)
- الباقي
- Romanized: Al-Baqi
- English Reading: Al-Baqi
- Meaning: The Everlasting, the Eternal.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 55:27)
- الوارث
- Romanized: Al-Warith
- English Reading: Al-Warith
- Meaning: The Heir, the Inheritor of All.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 15:23)
- الرشيد
- Romanized: Ar-Rashid
- English Reading: Ar-Rashid
- Meaning: The Guide to the Right Path, the Wise Counselor.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 2:256)
- الصبور
- Romanized: As-Sabur
- English Reading: As-Sabur
- Meaning: The Patient, the Enduring.
- Scriptural References: (Quran 2:153, 3:200, 103:3)
These 99 beautiful names of God in Islam are much more than mere titles—they encapsulate the vast, multifaceted nature of the Divine. They serve as spiritual keys that enable believers to connect with God, fostering inner peace and spiritual growth. Over centuries, these names have also inspired Islamic art, literature, and architecture. Poets, scholars, and artists alike have celebrated these sacred names, reflecting the deep spiritual legacy and intellectual richness of Islamic civilization.
The 99 divine names continue to be cherished as an essential element of Islamic teaching and spirituality, passed down through generations to nurture the bonds between humanity and the Divine.
Wikipedia – Names of God in Islam / أسماء الله الحسنى