- 画竜点睛を欠く
- Reading (Romanized): Garyō tensē o kaku
- Chinese: 画龙点睛
- Pinyin: huà lóng diǎn jīng
- Meaning: Missing the crucial final touch that brings a masterpiece to life; the finishing detail that makes all the difference.
- 登龍門
- Reading (Romanized): Tōryūmon
- Chinese: 登龙门
- Pinyin: dēng lóng mén
- Meaning: To overcome a formidable challenge and achieve great success, derived from the legend of the carp transforming into a dragon by leaping over the Dragon Gate.
- 白虹日を貫く
- Reading (Romanized): Hakkō jitsu o tsuranuku
- Chinese: 白虹贯日
- Pinyin: bái hóng guàn rì
- Meaning: Like a white rainbow piercing through the sun, this idiom represents exceptional talent, power, or achievement that leaves a striking impression.
- 破天荒
- Reading (Romanized): Hatenkō
- Chinese: 破天荒
- Pinyin: pò tiān huāng
- Meaning: Unprecedented or groundbreaking; breaking through old conventions with audacious innovation.
- 窮鼠猫を噛む
- Reading (Romanized): Kyūsoneko o kamu
- Chinese: 窮鼠猫咬
- Pinyin: qióng shǔ māo yǎo
- Meaning: Even a cornered mouse can bite a cat; desperate circumstances can enable even the weak to strike back unexpectedly.
- 竜に翼を得たる如し
- Reading (Romanized): Ryū ni tsubasa o etaru gotoshi
- Chinese: 龙得翼
- Pinyin: lóng dé yì
- Meaning: Like a dragon that gains wings, this idiom depicts someone who, already strong or talented, becomes even more formidable with added support or resources.
- 竜の雲を得る如し
- Reading (Romanized): Ryū no kumo o eru gotoshi
- Chinese: 龙得云
- Pinyin: lóng dé yún
- Meaning: Like a dragon surrounded by clouds, it signifies that the right environment or backing can amplify one’s capabilities and success.
- 背水の陣
- Reading (Romanized): Haisui no jin
- Chinese: 背水阵
- Pinyin: bèi shuǐ zhèn
- Meaning: A strategy of fighting with no possibility of retreat; symbolizing a do-or-die commitment where every effort is focused on victory.
- 臥薪嘗胆
- Reading (Romanized): Gashin shōtan
- Chinese: 卧薪尝胆
- Pinyin: wò xīn cháng dǎn
- Meaning: Enduring hardships and bitter experiences to prepare for future success or revenge; a testament to perseverance and determination.
- 苛政は虎よりも猛し
- Reading (Romanized): Kasei wa tora yori mo takeshi
- Chinese: 苛政猛于虎
- Pinyin: kē zhèng měng yú hǔ
- Meaning: Harsh and oppressive governance can be even more brutal than a tiger; a caution against the dangers of tyrannical leadership.
- 虎穴に入らずんば虎児を得ず
- Reading (Romanized): Koketsu ni irazunba koji o ezu
- Chinese: 不入虎穴,焉得虎子
- Pinyin: bù rù hǔ xué, yān dé hǔ zǐ
- Meaning: To achieve great rewards, one must be willing to take significant risks. Without facing danger, true success remains out of reach.
- 蛍雪の功
- Reading (Romanized): Keisetsu no kō
- Chinese: 萤雪功
- Pinyin: yíng xuě gōng
- Meaning: Diligent study and hard work, even under adverse conditions, eventually lead to significant achievements. This idiom celebrates perseverance and the value of steady effort.
- 逆鱗に触れる
- Reading (Romanized): Gekirin ni fureru
- Chinese: 触龙逆鳞
- Pinyin: chù lóng nì lín
- Meaning: To provoke someone by touching upon their most sensitive point—much like disturbing a dragon’s scales—and thereby inciting severe anger.
- 邯鄲の夢
- Reading (Romanized): Kantan no yume
- Chinese: 邯郸之梦
- Pinyin: hán dūn zhī mèng
- Meaning: This idiom refers to an unattainable or illusory dream, stemming from ancient Chinese stories about the unrealistic ambitions of those who dream beyond their means. It serves as a caution against indulging in fanciful visions detached from reality.
- 飛竜雲に乗る
- Reading (Romanized): Hiryū kumo ni noru
- Chinese: 飞龙乘云
- Pinyin: fēi lóng chéng yún
- Meaning: Like a dragon soaring on clouds, this idiom symbolizes a meteoric rise or rapid success. It conveys the idea of achieving greatness quickly, much like a legendary creature riding the wind.
- 鬼哭
- Reading (Romanized): Kikoku
- Chinese: 鬼哭
- Pinyin: guǐ kū
- Meaning: This expression evokes the image of ghostly wails and is used to describe profound sorrow or intense mourning. It reflects an atmosphere of deep grief and despair, often in response to overwhelming tragedy.
These timeless proverbs and idioms offer more than just historical or literary interest—they provide enduring insights into human nature, ambition, and resilience. By exploring their rich backgrounds and vivid imagery, you can gain a new perspective on modern challenges and inspire your own journey toward success. Embrace the wisdom of these “cool” proverbs to enhance your communication, leadership, and personal growth.
Reference: weblio 辞書